Do I go to the police?

Do I go to the police?

I am seeking guidance. I broke up with my ex narc and kicked him out over two months ago. At first he messaged me a little bit, but nothing crazy. I went to no contact not long ago and now he will not leave me alone. He constantly texts how much he loves me and misses me and how he will change for me. He says he doesn’t want a life without me, that we are soul mates. I don’t respond. He will repeatedly call my phone when I don’t answer. Last night, it was 14 times in a row. I want to block his number, but then he will just show up at my house. He sent me roses today at my place of employment and showed up at my house. I did not let him inside, but he wouldn’t leave until I talked to him. When I told him that we are absolutely not getting back together, he literally covered his ears and said, “Don’t say that. I don’t believe you.” I told him to stop messaging me, calling me, showing up at my house and sending me gifts. I even threatened a restraining order. He just smiled and told me that he loved me as he was leaving. Not five minutes later, he started texting me again. Do I go to the police? Will they even take me seriously? I don’t want to be overly dramatic, but I don’t know what else to do. Any advice would truly be appreciated!! I’m frustrated and desperate for him to leave me alone. Thank you.

One thought on “Do I go to the police?

  1. Go get a restraining order now! It is not normal to call someone 14 times and then just show up where you know you are not welcome. It nigh start off as just phone calls and texts like this – but you are dealing with a person who is not mentally stable and could be close to the breaking point! Don’t blow this off like its gonna go away without getting help from whoever – get a restaurant I got order!

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