My daughter at her young age realises the toxic dad she has

My daughter at her young age realises the toxic dad she has

My almost 16 year old daughter is refusing to return to her dad’s house due to his emotional and narcissistic abuse. She has been in counselling for 4 years and cannot take anymore abuse. My daughter at her young age realises the toxic dad she has and I am proud of her for standing up for herself. She has used the tools and techniques her counsellors have given her, yet when she wants no contact from him, the court punishes me.

It is so frustrating when judges force children to be in a toxic environment and that my daughter doesn’t have a voice.

Her dad filed contempt paperwork and he completely blames me for her feelings and emotions.

What advice do you have and are there are any cases/references I should use in my declaration?

My attorney is good, however my ex’s attorney is a master liar and the judges love him.

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