How does it end?

How does it end?

Please help me bring awareness to Ambient Abuse the most dangerous psychological abuse. Google Dr Vaknin read his work. In theory or text on paper so horrifically confrontational but so nice compared to the abuse in practice by the time you realise it’s already too late you don’t live it you fight to survive it. The abuser is relentless, malevolent, calculated, persuasive, manipulative and so very believably clever. To twisted point he considered a victim to feel sorry for all without a shred of evidence only his words of compulsive lies. What do you do?  You get up dust yourself off, smile, get up every day put one foot in front of the other. Curse and cry if you have to. Then say god dammit I’m just not going to let him get to me! Wholeheartedly with belief forgive him send him white light. Then fight for my child because there’s hope. Only yourself can strip yourself of hope. Hope is everything. He underestimated and messed with the wrong Mummy and woman. I may be one person in this world but to one person I am her world. Full of hope, beaming smile, radiating pure white light I stand strong and I fight the darkness. Because I love her, I miss her, I protect, I nurture her… does it end?
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