I don’t want to have a breakdown

I don’t want to have a breakdown

Narcissistic dad said that he is leaving and said his goodbye to the kids on Friday.  Then he said he was in Ohio today and then asked for a visit with the kids.  I want to ask people for help but he has my hands twisted and yet he won’t ever stop.  I do not think as he does not think he is doing anything wrong.  He says he calls me a c— because I act like one.  I have been raising my 2 children by myself now for 5 months and my baby 7 months.  How can I ask for help without him doing or saying anything, saying I’m threatening him.  He does not help and when I ask for child support he says I am threatening.  I do not want to have a breakdown and that is what he wants.

One thought on “I don’t want to have a breakdown

  1. Forget he ever existed, think of yourself and the kids and save yourself some heartbreak. He will never be there for you or the kids unless he thinks he will get something of value from it. Forget the selfcentred prick and think of yourself and live a peaceful life. Believe you can do it xo

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