How do I be truthful?

How do I be truthful?

I was with a narc for nearly 5 years, I had 2 children when I met him and went on to have 3 children with him.  He was verbally and physically abusive and did all this in front of my children and while I was pregnant.  He was the only father my 2 older children have ever known and when we split he saw them a couple of times and used them to get information and to cause trouble.  He used to bribe me with child support.  I can’t work at the moment due to having 3 babies under 3.  I always worked, I even worked until I was 38 weeks pregnant with our first child because he refused to work.  He would only give me child support if I would have sex with him or if I’d agree to thinking about getting back with him.  I then told him I was going to get child support to collect on my behalf because I didn’t want to do that anymore he told me that if I went through child support he would disown my older two kids and would want nothing to do with them.  I went through child support and then he did exactly that.  He goes around telling everyone that I took his 5 kids away and that I won’t let him see them.  I begged him to have them so I could have a break, I tried multiple times to make arrangements with him for him to see them.  Most of the kids have handled the separation ok but my second eldest is not coping and keeps asking to see him.  I feel upset as she witnessed everything and still wants to see him.  She says I know he did bad things to you mum but he didn’t do anything to me.  What do I do??  How do I be truthful to her without flipping my s**t and saying he is a piece s**t who doesn’t want you.  He is now living with a new girlfriend and her child and is telling my kids that he wants to see them and I won’t let him and is telling them that if he is to see them that I am not to be there and he doesn’t even want me present at pick ups and drop offs.

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