How does a narcissist react?

How does a narcissist react?

Hi, I am after your experiences as I know many vary depending on the individual… How does a narcissist react when exposed in a domestic violence court setting?   (I am not charging him with anything…but he is fighting my protection order application as he says he did not do anything written in the application.)

I am so traumatised I don’t know how I am going to get through this hearing… I struggle getting through the days at the moment.

4 thoughts on “How does a narcissist react?

  1. Hi
    I feel for you because they only get worst if exposed. Be prepared for lots and lots of accusations but remember you are better than that and whatever they say is projection of how they see themselves deep inside.
    Good luck

  2. I’m sorry you’re going through this it takes strength to get this far.

    He will react exactly as he chooses to react, it will be well planned out beforehand, with the usual predictable tactics. You need not concern yourself with his reactions, that is part of how he conditioned you in the relationship to keep the focus on him and his needs. You’re breaking free from that now and he already knows he has lost you. You didn’t deserve any of this and you didn’t cause it.
    Mine told a pack of lies and accusations and all he did was expose himself for who he was. The court saw through it.
    Keep your focus on yourself and your own needs, your plan to make a better life for yourself. This is only a stepping stone to your future. The days will get better.

  3. Hi

    I went through exactly this situation this week.

    Make sure you are prepared.. Any evidence with you. Eg; screen shot texts and print off or emails etc; any proof you have at all.

    My X sat at the front and turned around staring at me the whole time. Having said that I had a lot of support from the court including volunteers, lawyer Etc; they sat on each side and leaned forward to block his view of me.

    Also if you can take a support person who you trust or a witness.

    It’s not an easy process but you will feel much better once it’s done. It’s a huge weight off my shoulders now & feels empowering to have stood up for myself & set some sort of boundaries.

    I do t know if he’s learnt anything from it (most likely not) but empowering fur me the same.

    Hope all goes well. Xo

  4. Keep copies of all communication: texts, emails, fb posts… If you have to have direct contact be sure to record the encounter on you phone. There is an app to print out texts. Have everything documented and stand your ground. I’m sure if your situation is anything like mine he is the only person in your life that says you lie or do things that make you look bad, so get friends and family together, even coworkers. I hope thins helps

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