Her daughter could do no wrong

Her daughter could do no wrong

So here’s my experience with co-parenting.. wondering if anyone else has same experience. Her and myself were both single parents to daughters. We got together when they were 2 and 4.  My daughter had rules and expectations and was disciplined. Her daughter lived with no rules and no discipline and could do no wrong in her mother’s eyes, was held to no expectations or responsibility. If at any time I tried to discipline her daughter or raised concerns I became the enemy and was met with screaming in my face, threats, name calling etc. She would use me to threaten her daughter at times to get her way. It was always like being two different households under the same roof. Anytime my ex was mad at me she would make up wild stories about my daughter or treat my daughter with disdain…in the end her daughter at 13 was into drugs, criminal behaviour, sex, never going to school. Mine went on to good grades, private college, no troubles…anyone else experience this?

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