Identify the possible narcissist. 14 year married couple. Toxic relationship, both parties guilty of infidelity, name calling, and all around all the things you shouldn’t do in a relationship. They are now separated. Person A, is generally happy, has since made friends, tried to be friends with person B but the relationship always erupts in a fight. Person A realizes friends isn’t going to happen and just stops responding altogether, until person B resorts to name calling and character assassination, when they don’t receive a reply. Then Person A fires back for a while until friends and family say, don’t stoop to their level, and then Person A decided to just leave it alone.
Person B continues to engage off and on, now has a fiancé, who gives them everything they need now (the person they left Person A for 6 months ago), that the fiancé is better than Person A ever was, and tells person A they are still in love with them, while telling Person A how much they had hurt Person B.
When Person A says, “I don’t care if you still love me, please stop and move on with your fiancé, and leave me alone, Person B then retaliates with, “I will never EVER, be with you again!”
I left out he and she, so as not to skew opinions. Many more details, but this is a summary of the most recent interactions and is pretty much representative of how most interactions go. So, if there is a narcissist here, is it person A, or B. Has anyone else seen this behaviour.